That’s not a problem with . Sunlight is clean and life giving. We love the Sun. We want to bask in it.
How ready are people for ? People not only like . They're begging for it.
At more than $1 Trillion per year, electricity production is tied with global oil production and bested only by food, clothing and shelter as a share of global GDP. This is almost entirely based on coal and nuclear. And nobody is happy about that.
Disrupting and transforming this global power infrastructure to cheaper, more economical and more flexible will be the most important economic and cultural change force of our lifetimes. Our consumption and conservation habits based on scarcity, inflexibility and even guilt will change radically.
energy’s roots begin just over a hundred years ago. Albert Einstein was awarded his single Nobel Prize not for the E=MC2 of atomic , but for the photoelectric effect. The first cells were realized in the mid 1950s and in 1975, the first terrestrial electric company was formed.
We find ourselves at the threshold of this new era. California in particular is uniquely equipped to take the leading role in the next generation of photovoltaic (PV) production. Opportunity
- Drawable talent from native Semiconductor Manufacturing, Equipment and Thin Film industries
- Entrepreneurial Spirit, Venture Capital, Research Universities
- The most -positive marketplace in the United States
- California by itself is now the 3rd largest market for in the world as a result of Governor Schwarzenegger “million roofs” initiative
- A base of existing companies such as SunPower leading the World in silicon cell efficiency.
- Start-ups like Miasole and Nanosolar who are aimed at slashing the cost of power by more than half.
Are you ready for one trillion dollars to change hands as takes its place in our society? Everything is about to change.